Mars & the X-Conference

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Mars & the X-Conference


  • Announcement of Martian Life
  • Hyperdimensional Spring
  • About the show

    Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission, fresh from his appearance at the X-Conference, discussed his new in-depth article Methane on Mars. Because of the presence of methane, and other mounting evidence, he believes that NASA may be planning an announcement in the next few months, declaring that there is currently microbial life on Mars. This announcement he feels may serve as a turning point, which could then lead to the disclosure of ET and UFO information.

    Discussing water vapor changes at Mars' South Pole, Hoagland said we could be in the midst of a "hyperdimensional spring," that is happening as part of larger cycle occurring in our solar system, in which all the planets are going through major weather changes.

    Hoagland said he is meeting with congressional representatives while in Washington D.C., and is advocating for manned Mars missions. He suggested that a new cabinet level position should be created to head the "Department of the Exterior" that would advise on space and interplanetary issues.

    The X-Conference

    Tim Binnall attended the recent X-Conference in Washington D.C. One of the surprises was a special birthday cake which depicted the Face on Mars that was created for guest speaker Richard C. Hoagland. View Tim's entertaining report and photos from the conference.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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