Untold Stories

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Untold Stories


  • Magnetic Pole Reversals
  • Cover-Up: Life on Mars
  • About the show

    During Friday's Open Lines, we heard from a caller who said she attended a funeral where the corpse was attacked by bugs and leaked embalming fluid. Another caller said he and some friends once saw a giant eagle with a 40-foot wingspan carry off a lamb in its claws.

    There was also an Untold Stories Hotline, in which George invited listeners to share stories they've never told anyone...ever. One caller said he had been practicing black magic (at 15 years old) when the Devil appeared to him and took him into hell. Thankfully, he was returned. Later, a trucker called and said she and her husband nearly collided with a huge low-flying aircraft and were later followed by a mysterious van.

    Magnetic Fields & Crop Circles

    First hour guest, reporter and editor Linda Moulton Howe of Earthfiles.com discussed Earth's weakening magnetic field, as well as presented an update on the latest crop circle formations around the world. Linda said that over the last century, the global magnetic field has weakened about 10 to 15 percent (in some areas by 30 percent). The deterioration of the magnetic field seems to have accelerated recently, causing scientists to theorize about a possible pole reversal, which would cause compasses to point south instead of north and have other adverse effects. According to her research, the magnetic field weakens during a pole reversal and allows more cosmic radiation to enter Earth's atmosphere. This would wreak havoc on the ozone layer, our DNA, and satellite and GPS systems. Read more here.

    During her crop circle update, Linda talked about a huge pattern that has recently appeared in Windmill Hill. The design is 825 feet long and features a unique interweaving of stalks in one of its circles. Linda also reported that cameras do not function from within the formation. More.

    Mars Cover-up?

    During the second hour, Richard Hoagland talked about a purported cover-up of evidence that proves life on Mars. He said Physicist Vittorio Formisano was scheduled to announce the final results of his Mars research at the COSPAR (Committee On Space Research) meeting in Paris; however, the meeting was mysteriously canceled. Hoagland said Formisano's research involved ammonia found on Mars. Since ammonia can only last a very short time on Mars, Hoagland theorizes that living things must be creating it. He believes that Formisano was going to announce this discovery, but has been ordered to remain silent under penalty of imprisonment.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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