Noah's Ark Research

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Noah's Ark Research


  • Noah's Ark Site
  • Ark of the Covenant
  • About the show

    President of Wyatt Archaeological Research, Richard Rives discussed the work of the late Ron Wyatt, who was confident that he had discovered the location of Noah's Ark. The site in Turkey, which features an ancient boat-shaped form became exposed after an earthquake in 1978, and samples were taken of it, said Rives. The material was revealed to be an organic compound, he said, and additionally such artifacts as animal antlers were found. Also, there was a hole bored into one side, and plant and animal fibers, as well as feline hair were extracted.

    Wyatt, who believes that the world is only 6,000 years old, based on his reading of the Bible, said that the planet's atmospheric conditions were much better prior to the great flood which he said took place in 2340 BC. Humans had much longer life spans, and also grew to 14 ft. tall, he contended. Animals were also much larger, he stated, citing evidence for 12 ft. tall cows. Rives also discussed the Ark of the Covenant which Wyatt claimed he found in Jerusalem.

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