Anomalous Anthropology

Hosted byBarbara Simpson

Anomalous Anthropology


  • Pyramid Investigations
  • Ancient Music & Vibrations
  • About the show

    Founder of the Academy for Future Science, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and his wife Desiree, joined guest host Barbara Simpson in a discussion about their worldwide research into pyramids and anomalous anthropology. Visiting pyramids in such places as Peru, Japan, China and Egypt, they were able to conduct musical testing at some of the sites, and found a similarity in vibrational patterns which suggested the structures had been "programmed" with similar musical architecture, explained Dr. Hurtak.

    The purpose behind these vibrations may have been to raise the consciousness or learning ability of the visitor, he continued. Desiree noted that pyramid shafts in Egypt point to both Orion and Alpha Draconis, and these could be indicators that "the ancients were contacted by higher evolutionary intelligence," from those star systems, said J.J., who added that a number of UFO sightings have been noted over megalithic structures in places such as Mexico and China.

    Dr. Hurtak also drew connections between the Far East and the Near East, specifically mentioning an elephant bone from 1500 B.C. that had both Egyptian and Chinese writing on it. He suggested that these civilizations may have been sharing astronomical and other types of information.

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