Twin Encounters

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Twin Encounters


  • Meeting a Clone
  • Martian Information
  • About the show

    Twins Earlene Carr and Shurlene Wallace shared their alien contact experiences which began in Dallas in 1995. While Earlene focused on UFO research and support, Shurlene began having numerous direct encounters.

    "I woke up in a UFO," said Shurlene, of her first experience. She described a craft with large circular windows that was traveling through the galaxy. On another visitation, she saw a fully-grown clone of herself that was hanging upside down in a closed glass box. It was more identical to her than her own twin sister, she laughed.

    Shurlene revealed encounters with a variety of different aliens, which included the 8ft. tall "stone people," a female who looked like a horizontal "pillow," round-bodied entities that were shaped liked M & M's, and greys with "huge triangular heads." Mars is currently inhabited by a "predominantly black" population she noted. In fact, she believes that black ancestors came from Mars and settled in Africa to mine gold.

    Formisano Update

    First half-hour guests journalist Paola Harris and Richard Hoagland of Enterprise Mission gave an update on Dr. Formisano's findings which he was presenting at an international Mars conference held in Italy this past weekend. Harris reported that Formisano changed his lecture at the last minute and did not present material he had previously published in an abstract indicating there was life on Mars. "It's the dog that didn't bark," commented Hoagland, who was puzzled by the omission.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
    Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
    Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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