Knights Templar & the Holy Grail

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Knights Templar & the Holy Grail


  • Holy Grail Relics
  • The Great Watcher
  • About the show

    Author and lecturer, Mark Pinkham presented a history of the origins of the Knights of Templar and the legendary Holy Grail. He believes the Holy Grail is an energy or power that is associated with various objects that can "alchemically transform you into a god or goddess." Some of these objects might be the relics that were found where Jesus was crucified such as the crown of thorns, a cup and the cross, he said. Jesus may have transferred his "Kundalini" energy or the Holy Spirit into these items, and that is what can activate the "higher parts of yourself" when you come into contact with them, Pinkham explained.

    The Knights Templar, founded in 1118 AD, started out as guardians of the Holy Grail. One of their relics was allegedly the head of John the Baptist which was seized from them in a raid in 1307, he noted.

    Pinkham, whose middle name "Amaru" means serpent (the symbol of secret wisdom), shared some of his shamanic or supernatural experiences such as witnessing the dimension of the "Great Watcher," an energy composed of a huge number of "peacock eyes." He also said he saw a "4th dimensional temple" at Sedona, that was built by the Lemurians millions of years ago.

    Quayle Update

    In the first hour, author Steve Quayle gave a terrorism report, commenting that the beheading of Americans should be a wake-up call and that Iran may be preparing a "coordinated expression." He also updated the mysterious Dead Scientists case, announcing that the head of the Dolly Clone Lab was recently found hanged, as well as two other unusual deaths.

    Bumper Music