The Graveyard Shift

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Graveyard Shift


  • UFOs/Skull & Bones
  • TJ's Artifact Part 1
  • About the show

    A special hotline was devoted to people who've had unusual experiences at cemeteries. There was Bill from Oklahoma, who recounted his Grandmother's Dust Bowl days, when she lived next to a cemetery and saw spirits dancing by a well.

    A caller from outside Sioux City, Iowa said he lived near homesteader graves dating back to the Indian conflict with the settlers. He described hearing a baby cry in the middle of the night and later witnessed a teenage girl holding an infant just before she walked right through a wall. A night watchman at a cemetery also called in, and said he sees Shadow People every other night. He traipsed through the graveyard live on the air, and read the names off a few headstones.

    We also heard from T.J., an "archaeologist/parapsychologist" who told of finding a 65-million-year-old artifact that contained Gaelic-like writing. He said it was written on an unusual kind of paper that wouldn't burn when put under fire, and claimed that the text referred to an ET spaceflight.

    Nader Speaks

    First hour guest was Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader ( who discussed issues surrounding the election and also took phone calls. The "corporate occupation of Washington D.C." makes it impossible to improve our country as citizens, he stated, and the two parties are "indentured to the same commercial interests" and lobbyists. Nader, who said he wants to bring power back to the people, called himself the "underdog candidate" who represents the tens of millions of underdogs out there in the United States.

    Bumper Music