Ghosts & Curses

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ghosts & Curses


  • Sending & Removing Curses
  • How Curses Work
  • Working with Spirits
  • About the show

    Paranormal investigator Mary Ann Winkowski returned to the show to share her knowledge about both curses and ghosts. Curses are found across various nationalities, she said, such as the Italian's "mal occhio," the Greek's "evil eye," and in America, voodoo and Black Magic. The two main reasons curses are placed upon individuals are jealousy and the wrath of being scorned, she detailed.

    Curses can often have a deleterious effect on a person's finances, health and relationships and Mary Ann said she has conducted ceremonies to lift them. To rid oneself of negative energy she suggested taking baths in sea salt and also lighting a smudge stick (sage or sweetgrass).

    Discussing her work with earthbound spirits, Mary Ann said she attends many funerals at the request of families who have questions they wish her to ask the recently deceased. The newly departed generally attend their own funerals she said, and sometimes are rather surprised to hear her speaking with them. She said the white light they crossover into is visible at this time, and sometimes when she is attempting to cleanse a haunted home she suggests to the ghost that they go to a funeral service to find the white light. If you dream about a deceased person, that generally means they have successfully crossed over, Mary Ann also noted.

    Vaccine Commentary

    First hour guest, investigative reporter Jon Rappoport discussed the recently announced dumping of 48 million doses of flu vaccine made by Chiron Corp after they were found to be contaminated. They're not saying what they were contaminated with, he pointed out, because "they don't want us to know how bad it was." He also commented on the recent bird flu stories, suggesting that it was scare tactics by pharmaceutical companies who want to sell more vaccines.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
    Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and supplements. Followed by author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep with reports of ghosts, hauntings, and anomalies.


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