Government Cover-ups

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Government Cover-ups


  • Cassini Object Cover-up
  • "Over Unity" Devices
  • Triangular-Shaped Craft
  • About the show

    Founder of the Disclosure Project and Space Energy Access Systems, Dr. Steven Greer, shared information about a large object detected by Cassini, "over unity" devices, and the government cover-ups that keep us in the dark.

    Greer said he was recently contacted by a Lockheed Martin aerospace contractor, who claimed to have direct knowledge of an official suppression of images sent to the Space Science Institute by Cassini. According to the witness, the Cassini probe had captured images of several large craft that appear to have been artificially created, and of "non-terrestrial origin." Curiously, the witness told Greer that the UFOs were not an "unexpected" discovery. Greer believes the government secrecy surrounding UFOs is largely based on their need to protect energy interests.

    Greer suggested we could free ourselves from oil and coal dependency by using "over unity" devices, machines which produce more electrical energy than is required to run them. He claims to have seen a working over unity prototype generator. Such a device could be scaled down to provide unlimited energy to individual households and automobiles, Greer noted. Unfortunately, he reported that shady corporate and legal officials intercepted the device's inventor, and threatened to put him in jail if he continued cooperating with Greer.

    Titan Update

    At the top of the show Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission discussed the latest info coming out on Saturn's moon, Titan. He reported the Cassini spacecraft has discovered heavy organic compounds in Titan's upper atmosphere, which leads him to think "there might be something really interesting going on down there."

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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