Terrorism & Globalism

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Terrorism & Globalism


  • Economic Terrorism
  • A Look Ahead to 2005
  • Military-Industrial Complex
  • About the show

    Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network and author Steve Quayle joined together for a discussion on terrorism, globalism, and the 9-11 attack. Quayle commented that while the U.S. has done an excellent job of preventing further terrorist acts on our soil, America is rapidly becoming the victim of economic terrorism. As the dollar's value continues to plummet, he noted that countries such as China, Russia and India are participating in an "orchestrated sell off" of the U.S. currency.

    "I think 2005 is going to be a critical year," Hagmann stated. He sees a "festering hatred" brewing among Muslim populations alienated by America's foreign policy and he advocated learning to "think like them" in order to understand and predict their behavior.

    The United States has become a "pariah nation" said Quayle, "checkmated" by countries like China and Russia. But there's a bigger "dialectic" at work he outlined-- a "globalist" agenda in which America could end up being militarily defended by the United Nations, because U.S. troops are already occupied in other battlegrounds. The "globalists" want to move on to bigger pieces of pie, but countries like China won't easily be plundered, Quayle declared.

    Gruner Update

    First hour guest Father Nicholas Gruner shared an update on the prophecies at Fatima. He believes that the second secret, "the annihilation of nations," has not occurred yet but is approaching. He also voiced concern over a Hindu ceremony that was allowed to be conducted at the Fatima Shrine in Portugal.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Natural Remedies / Appalachian Folklore
    Natural Remedies / Appalachian Folklore
    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's ability to achieve healing through natural remedies and supplements. Followed by author Mark Muncy on Appalachian folklore, cryptids, and eerie legends.


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