Geometric Metaphor in Genesis

Hosted byGeorge Noory


Geometric Metaphor in Genesis


  • Hebrew Letters & the Model Hand
  • Origin of Genesis Text
  • Transmitting the Torah
  • About the show

    Research director of the Meru Foundation, Stan Tenen, discussed the use of "geometric metaphor" in the Hebrew text of Genesis. He said academic scholars have understood Bible stories only as word-based, poetic metaphors. Tenen, however, believes there is profound mathematical meaning found in the letter sequences of Genesis.

    According to Tenen, "the Hebrew letters have shapes that are based on a model hand making gestures," allowing one to "see" what Hebrew words mean. He said the geometric form of the letter sequences provides a mathematical and experiential view of the biblical text that would not be readily apparent from a literal interpretation of the narrative. When examined in light of geometric metaphor, Tenen concludes the Hebrew letter-text of Genesis describes "the creation of everything" and "leads to spiritual and emotional and intellectual growth."

    During the show, Tenen also presented two audio clips composed by Daniel Gil. By assigning notes to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tenen said Gil is able to play the Genesis text musically. Tenen noted that music provides a "feeling entry" into directly experiencing the deeper truths of Genesis without having to understand Hebrew and the complexities of geometric metaphor.

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