Aliens & Atlantis

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Aliens & Atlantis


  • Ancient Connections
  • Genetic Manipulations
  • About the show

    Alternative historian Michael Tsarion shared his theories about Atlantis which he has woven together using various sources such as ancient texts from India and the Celtic people of Ireland. Humanoid visitors or "Nephilim" expelled from their home world (possibly in the Alpha Draconis system) arrived on our planet 30-50,000 years ago, he said, and were involved in the creation of an Atlantean civilization in which they genetically altered humans to serve as their slaves.

    Tsarion situated the Atlantean empire on a continent called "Appalachia" which he said occupied a northern area of the Atlantic, and at the time had a temperate climate. He commented that their civilization was basically evil, and that humankind of today, through the Nephilim's genetic manipulations, have inherited their propensity for violence and injustice.

    The human slaves eventually revolted from the Nephilim and formed a new colony on the continent of Lemuria, Tsarion continued. To counter this, the Nephilim created a new race, whom the Lemurians then tried to convince to come over to their side, in an episode that he related to the tale of Adam and Eve. This in turn led to a devastating global nuclear war between Atlantis and Lemuria that occurred around 13,500 years ago, he stated.

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    Last Night

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