Morgus the Magnificent

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Morgus the Magnificent


  • Morgus & The Great Pyramid
  • The Higher Order & George's Implant
  • Speed of Darkness
  • About the show

    During the first two hours, mad scientist and TV horror host Dr. Morgus (a.k.a Momus Alexander Morgus) discussed all things "scientific," as well as offered some "Morgusian" solutions to caller questions.

    Morgus said his parents were scientists, so science "bubbles out of [his] skin." He claims to come from a long line of scientists, stretching back 4,380 years to Morgus the First, master architect of the great pyramid. According to Morgus, the great pyramid was built by the "higher order" as a celestial observatory to expand human knowledge. Interestingly, Morgus noted that his laboratory in the Old City Ice House in New Orleans is located on the same parallel as the great pyramid.

    Ever the humble intellectual, Morgus alleges to have mastered differential calculus by age five and estimated his IQ to be somewhere in the 300s. He claims to have created the Internet (later stolen by the Pentagon), invented the cell phone, coined the phrase "outside the box," and discovered the speed of dark, which he described as roughly twice the speed of light. He also insisted that he possesses Einstein's brain and the world's first molecular integrated computer.

    Morgus' Experiment

    On January 3, 1959, the House of Shock with Morgus the Magnificent aired on television sets throughout New Orleans. With the help of his assistant, Chopsley, and a talking skull known as E.R.I.C., Morgus conducted weekly experiments while hosting late night horror movies. Shortly before Halloween 1959, the "Morgus' Experiment" was released.

    Ghost Stories

    For Open Lines George posed the question, "What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you?" One caller said he awoke from a dream to see several ghosts crawling into his window. According to him, the entities mocked him and looked very similar to gremlins. Another caller recounted the time he felt a "presence" at a house in Newport, Rhode Island. He claims to have witnessed a picture fly off the wall during his time there. The renter of the house told the caller that she sometimes saw a girl dressed in white walking around the house. According to the caller, the renter was led by the girl in white to a place in the house where she discovered the terrifying ghost of a screaming man.

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