Parallel Realities

Hosted byHilly Rose

Parallel Realities


  • Origins of Huna
  • Past Lives & Doppelgangers
  • Simultaneous Present Lives
  • About the show

    Guest Host Hilly Rose (email) welcomed renowned mind-body medicine expert, Dr. Shelley Kaehr, who talked about the evidence for parallel realities. Kaehr believes that "every time you make a decision, another universe is created."

    According to her theory, there are millions of different dimensional universes, populated by "another you that's doing that which you did not choose." As evidence, Kaehr cited the case study of one of her clients who claimed to have visited an alternate New York City where the twin towers were still standing because 9/11 never happened there.

    Kaehr also discussed the "Two Slit Experiment," in which a particle of light is given the choice of passing through one of two narrow slits. She pointed out that sometimes the light particle takes both paths simultaneously. "If a particle of light can be at two places at once, then you can also be at two places at once... or maybe more," Kaehr concluded.

    Animal Sense

    During the show's first hour, cryptozoologist Loren Coleman theorized about why no wild animals were found dead after the recent tsunami in Indonesia. Coleman suggested that animals can sense vibrations and other "natural signals," which may have helped them escape the deadly tidal wave.

    He also discussed Bigfoot, the Mothman and a 'curse' surrounding the 2002 movie (The Mothman Prophecies) based on the legend. According to Coleman, several people closely associated with the film's production have died, including the director's wife.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
    Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
    Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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