Scariest Moments

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Scariest Moments


  • The "Freak Squad"
  • Power to Drain Batteries
  • Scary Bedroom Ghost
  • About the show

    The last two hours of the program featured Open Lines with a special topic line for callers to share their scariest moments. The first caller, a 'Major' who claimed to work for the CIA, said he was part of the "Freak Squad" -- a secret group charged with the task of recovering strange, unnatural creatures. According to the caller, he spent much of his time rounding up stray two-headed rabbits. He also insisted U.S. Army scientists used Vietnamese POWs for genetic experiments that turned them into chupacabras.

    Jay from Thailand described the time gunmen on a motorcycle shot at him and his wife while they were driving home from their restaurant. Fortunately, they were not injured, but their assailants remain at large. Another caller detailed his father's deathbed experience. According to the caller, his dying father sat up in his hospital bed and pointed to an empty corner of the room, where he apparently could see and communicate with his deceased mother (whom he had never met).

    Mike from Canada shared a story about nearly dying at the hands of truck driver trainee who jackknifed the truck he was sleeping in. Another caller said he was struck by lightning while working a cell tower. He believes he now has the power to drain batteries. A caller from Utah told of the time his family found a couple of mutilated cattle on their farm. He said the heifers' reproductive organs were removed and a small area on their necks appeared to have been "microwaved."

    Numbers Lady

    During the first half of the show, professional numerologist Glynis McCants shared updates from people whose lives have been transformed by numbers, as well as demonstrated how a person's name and date of birth can show them who they really are. McCants recounted the story of a struggling woman who put an "8" (the number 8 is related to financial security ) in her wallet and in the office where she paid her bills. Soon afterward the woman received a check for $43,000. According to McCants, in addition to utilizing the number 8, one should also say the following affirmation for 15 minutes each day: "I pay my bills with ease and I always have extra money."

    McCants also discussed Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, the Mayan Calendar, as well as taught listeners how to find their own Lifepath and Attitude numbers.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Investigating Bigfoot / Ghost Hunting & Parapsychology
    Investigating Bigfoot / Ghost Hunting & Parapsychology
    Bigfoot researcher Matt Moneymaker shared his extensive background studying Sasquatch. Followed by Loyd Auerbach, who explained the field of parapsychology and its intersection with psychic phenomena and ghosts.


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