Dreams, Prophecy & Evolution

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Dreams, Prophecy  & Evolution


  • Singularity Archetype & Dreams
  • Homo Gestalt
  • Mind Parasites
  • About the show

    Author, teacher, and philosopher Jonathan Zap shared intriguing ideas about prophecy, end times and the future of humankind. He noted that many past seers who predicted the end of the world erred on their timelines because they had anxiety over their own personal death or "event horizon." A follower of the works of Carl Jung, Zap believes that the powerful human psyche is the "source of our greatest accomplishments" but also our greatest perils. Further, he suggested we are approaching a "singularity archetype" that could signal a new phase in human evolution.

    This might involve a process he dubbed "Homo Gestalt" (from the Theodore Sturgeon sci-fi novel More Than Human) in which a person's consciousness might be "fantastically expanded" by merging their individual identity with others. We've reached the end of egocentric development, Zap declared.

    Dreams, he continued, are an important part of our existence, and if you're not remembering them, you're missing "a whole aspect of your incarnation."He also touched on his studies relating to the Mayan 2012 prophecy and the work of John Major Jenkins. The Mayans were aware of 26,000-year galactic alignment rotations, and the end of their calendar in 2012 may refer to a change in one these cycles, he said. Additionally, Zap theorized about "mind parasites," energetic organisms on another plane that may feed on our negative emotions and thus play a role in our evolution. View related images.

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