Marburg & Codex Updates

Hosted byArt Bell

Marburg & Codex Updates


  • Marburg Virus - Part I
  • Marburg Virus - Part II
  • Codex Update
  • About the show

    Dr. Ronald Klatz, founder of the American Academy of Anti-Aging, spoke at length about the Marburg outbreak in Africa. Marburg is a hemorrhagic fever (like Ebola), he explained, causing a copious loss of blood and, inevitably, death in those infected by the virus. According to Klatz, the mortality rate of Marburg has increased from 23% lethality to over 90%, which he believes may suggest that the current strain has been manufactured.

    He theorized that anyone with "standard microbiological technologies" could create quantities of Marburg for use as a biological weapon. If dispersed as an aerosol spray over a large U.S. city, Klatz speculated, the virus "could potentially infect hundreds of thousands of people in the space of a day." This kind of attack would lead to massive deaths since, according to Klatz, there is no known cure for the Marburg virus.

    Near the end of the show, Klatz provided an update on the Codex Alimentarium, which is working in Europe to "re-label all foods that have a therapeutic effect as drugs." He said this threat to personal health freedoms should be of concern to Americans, as the FDA has stated publicly that they intend to "harmonize" their rules with Codex. Klatz also discussed the recent flu virus scare, in which samples of a potentially deadly flu strain were sent by mistake to thousands of laboratories around the world.

    Biodiesel Benefits

    During the first hour, Executive Director for the National Biodiesel Board, Joe Jobe, talked about benefits and issues related to using biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel, which can be produced from any natural oil (animal or vegetable), is made primarily from soybean oil in the United States. It is chemically similar to regular petroleum-based diesel, Jobe explained, but burns more cleanly and is environmentally friendly to produce.

    Jobe pointed out that in contrast to Europe, where more than half of all passenger cars run on diesel fuel, only 2% of Americans drive diesel vehicles. He speculated this was because many consumers in the U.S. have a dated image of the loud, dirty diesel cars of the past. In the end, Jobe sees the biodiesel sector as a "vast area of growth" that will one day allow the U.S. to decrease its dependence on foreign oil supplies.

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