Manic America

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Manic America


  • Jim Morrison Alive?
  • Cultural Mania
  • Effects on Children
  • About the show

    During the middle 2 hours, Director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, Peter Whybrow, M.D., explored what he calls the "American Mania" syndrome. Americans, he said, are particularly predisposed to being stressed out, overworked and manic. They push themselves to the edge with a 24/7 lifestyle and are overloaded with information and material goods.

    But humans are not biologically programmed for such a pace, he pointed out, and this way of living is taking its toll on the populace-- with such problems as obesity, high blood pressure and depression on the rise. We need to help people retool and rethink their lives, he said.

    Along those lines, he shared the "Rules of Tom," which were developed by an entrepreneur, who sought to get control over his life. They are:1) Time is a key possession. 2) Use technology wisely. 3) Learn about your appetites. 4) Be physically active.

    The 4th hour featured a replay of the Prophet Yahweh segment which originally aired on Friday, May 26th.

    Jim Morrison Alive?

    First half-hour guest Gerald Pitts shared his claim that Jim Morrison is alive and well and living as a cowboy in the Pacific Northwest. He said he first met him in 1997 when he showed up at a rodeo, and then later discovered he lived at a neighboring ranch raising horses. Pitts said that Morrison told him there was a conspiracy to kill himself, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix, and that related to why he faked his death. Pitts has produced a video/website about this remarkable story.

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