God, Man & ET Roundtable

Hosted byGeorge Noory

God, Man & ET Roundtable


  • Views of ET
  • The Watchers & Mars
  • ET Evidence Debated
  • About the show

    Four panelists joined together in a discussion on the issue of God, Man, & ETs, and shared their reactions to the possibly imminent NASA/ESA confirmation that 'We are Not Alone.'

    • Richard C. Hoagland, the founder and principal investigator of Enterprise Mission, said that at a Mars Express conference, 75% of the scientists felt there was evidence for current life on Mars. He believes there is also evidence for past life on Mars, particularly in the humanoid "face," which has been found in the Cydonia ruins. "Ultimately," he suggested "we are the Martians," as they came to Earth and left their legacy with ancient civilizations. Further, he shared that his latest research into Iapetus, could point towards panspermia having taken place in our solar system.
    • Hugh Ross, who directs the efforts of the Reasons to Believe institute, refuted Hoagland's stance, saying there was no scientific evidence for life outside of Earth. Referencing the Bible, he said that God, a supernatural being, created two different types of entities-- humans and angels. Angels, who are not bound by our rules of space/time, could have traveled to Mars, yet he doubted they would leave behind physical artifacts.
    • David Flynn, who has created the Watcher Website, a repository for research, differed with Ross, arguing that the artificial structures on Mars could have been created by the Watchers, beings that are spoken of in Genesis 6. He believes that they have left behind physical evidence of their presence here on Earth as well, in some of the megalithic ruins such as Baalbek in Lebanon, for example.
    • Mike Heiser, who received his Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and ancient Semitic Languages from the Univ. of Wis.-Madison, commented that ETs and demonic beings could represent two entirely different types of categories. The question of ET origins is going to be explored at the upcoming God, Man & ET II Conference in November, he added.

    Animal Deaths & Mars Radar

    First hour guest, reporter and editor for Earthfiles.com, Linda Moulton Howe, presented the latest news on unusual animal deaths both in South America and Canada. Since 2002, there have been over 3,000 mysterious animal deaths reported in Chile and Argentina alone, she said, and many of the cases have been associated with beams of light and UFOs. Linda also presented an update on deep penetrating radar tests which the Mars Express Orbiter has just begun to conduct. These tests may be able to find evidence of water or ice under the Martian surface. For more, see her report.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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