Egyptian-American Artifacts

Hosted byIan Punnett

Egyptian-American Artifacts


  • Sullyman's Vision of Nuclear War
  • Modern-Day Mayan Tribes
  • Evidence for Ancient Giants
  • About the show

    Historian Glenn Kimball provided updates of his research into ancient manuscripts as well as artifacts found in burial mounds in Southern Illinois (known as "Little Egypt") that may show North America was visited by overseas travelers thousands of years before Columbus set sail.

    According to Kimball, the Mississippi Valley is home to over 10,000 burial mounds, which contrary to widely held academic opinion were not all left behind by Native Americans. Black market relics found in the region, he explained, depict pharaohs, Moorish sailors, Christ on the cross, Jewish warriors, and Roman military imagery. Further, runes from artifacts found in Illinois, Michigan, California and Utah talk about migrations of people from the Middle East, Kimball said.

    Kimball is currently working on gaining permission to dig in an area of Illinois where ground-penetrating radar has shown several chambers exist along a 1500 foot underground corridor. He also discussed Atlantis, modern-day Mayans, 9 1/2 foot tall giants of the Yucatan, and the Bee Bible, which he reported has been used by the Chinese for 2,000 years.

    Aspartame Dangers

    In the first hour, Dr. Betty Martini discussed the latest research on the artificial sweetener aspartame, an ingredient common in many diet sodas. A recently concluded 3-year study confirms previous findings which linked aspartame to the development of malignant brain tumors as well as leukemia and lymphoma, she explained.

    According to Martini, drinking as little as a single can of aspartame-sweetened diet soda a day significantly increases the risk of cancer. The makers of aspartame say the allegations are unfounded, but Martini believes the harmful effects of the artificial sweetener have been "proven beyond a shadow of a doubt."

    Bumper Music

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