Ghostly Talk

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ghostly Talk


  • EVP: Covered Bridge
  • EVP: Cemetery
  • Haunted Frat House
  • About the show

    Broadcasting live from the OnStar Studios in Detroit, George Noory discussed paranormal topics with Scott L., Doug and Will of Ghostly Talk, an Internet talk show about ghosts and ghost hunting. Will recounted the story of Morrow Road in Michigan, where legend says the spirit of a grief-stricken mother roams in search of her lost baby. Will said visitors to the road have reportedly heard sounds of a baby crying, as well as witnessed a ghostly woman in white and mysterious green lights.

    Doug, who claims to have seen a ghost walking in a cemetery, shared an experience the team had at a train wreck site, where they found strange fingerprints on the iron railings of a train bridge. The team could neither make new prints, he explained, nor rub the existing fingerprints away. The fingerprints have never appeared again, Doug said.

    Scott introduced an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) recorded at an old covered bridge in Brazil, Indiana. On the recording, the voice of a little girl can be heard saying, "I wanna go." According to Scott, a historical plaque on the bridge confirms that it is haunted. Several other EVPs were played including one recorded at the Michigan Transit Museum, where the team picked up the eerie voice of young boy pleading, "help me."

    George also took Open Lines calls during the second half of the show, and played a recording of Art Bell's 8/21/05 encounter with notorious repeat caller J.C.

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