UFOs & Media Coverage

Hosted byGeorge Noory

UFOs & Media Coverage


  • Turi's September Predictions
  • 1975 Montana Case
  • Pilot Sightings & Security
  • About the show

    Journalist Terry Hansen talked about the news media's role and complicity with the U.S. government to suppress honest coverage of the UFO phenomenon in the name of national security.UFOs were widely covered in major media outlets from the period of 1947 through 1966, he pointed out, but after that time reports greatly diminished.

    One national publication, the National Enquirer did continue to cover the topic with some accuracy, but with its disreputable material on celebrities, the UFO subject became tarnished by association, Hansen commented. Further, he noted that Gene Pope, the Enquirer's publisher had previously been involved in the CIA's psychological warfare program.

    The CIA had arrangements with various media to spread its propaganda, Hansen reported. For instance, he said, the 1966 TV show, "CBS Reports," colluded with the CIA in order shape public perceptions about UFOs - offering the conclusion that sightings were merely cases of mistaken identity. He also discussed the 1975 UFO incidents that took place in Montana with craft repeatedly seen flying over an ICBM complex over a number of months. There was only regional coverage of these occurrences, leading Hansen to suspect that a deliberate attempt to hush up the national media had been made.

    Turi Predictions

    First hour guest, astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi discussed his accurate prediction which he made on the 6/15/05 show, that thousands would be forced to relocate around Aug. 29-30th. He said his forecasting "gift" came to him after his UFO encounter. Turi also offered some new prophecies for September, noting that the events for the dates he gives could happen one day before, or one day after:

    • September 8th— Dramatic news will come from the police, possibly involving a lot of deaths.
    • September 17th— In the Middle East, a possible assassination of someone important. In Aruba, new developments in the Natalee Holloway case.
    • September 26th—The same energy that produced Hurricane Katrina will arise again, forcing thousands of people to evacuate an area.

    Oil Update

    Also appearing in the first hour was author Matt Savinar who discussed Katrina's impact on short term oil supplies. We don't know how badly damaged the refineries are in the New Orleans area yet, he said, but at this point the oil production in the US could be upset if those facilities are knocked out.

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    Last Night

    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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