Health Advocacy

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Health Advocacy


  • Death by Medicine
  • Problems in Dentistry
  • 'Electro' Medicine
  • About the show

    Consumer advocate and health freedom fighter Tim Bolen revealed the ways in which the medical and dental establishments are preventing innovation in their fields, in an effort to protect the status quo. Western medicine relies too heavily on treatment and needs to shift to prevention, he argued, pointing out that the United States' world ranking is only 72nd in quality of health care, though it is the highest priced.

    780,000 Americans die each year from unnecessary causes such as adverse drug reactions, medical errors and malnutrition, and the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry is working against us rather than for us, he said. Further, HMOs, which he referred to as "5 minute medicine," are not offering consumers enough consultation time with their physicians.

    Among his recommendations:

    • Seek out "biological dentists," who have more medical training instead of regular dentists.
    • Stop big pharmaceuticals from advertising directly to the public.
    • For cancer issues, check out the book The Prevention of All Cancers by Hulda Clark.
    • The following organizations for training, information and referrals: American College for Advancement in Medicine (, International College of Integrative Medicine Directory (, and the American Association of Environmental Medicine (

    NASA Commentary

    First half-hour guest Richard C. Hoagland reacted to a USA Today article in which NASA chief Michael Griffin criticized the space shuttle program. Hoagland applauded Griffin's honesty and commented that if we'd spent the billions used on the shuttle and space station programs for exploration instead, we'd already have landed on Mars by now.

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