Psychic Archaeology

Hosted byIan Punnett

Psychic Archaeology


  • Bligh Bond & 'The Watchers'
  • Psychic Stephan Ossowiecki
  • Clarence Weiant's Shaman
  • About the show

    Broadcasting live from NewsTalk Radio 810 WGY in Albany, Ian Punnett welcomed author Stephan Schwartz, who shared a few fascinating true stories about Psychic Archaeology from his book, The Secret Vaults of Time.

    'Side Effects'

    During the second half of the first hour, director Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau briefly discussed her new independent film, Side Effects, which takes a satirical look at how prescription drugs are marketed and is based on her own experiences working as a drug sales rep. A political science major in college, she said she "had no business telling doctors about drugs," and made the movie in part to deal with that issue. According to Slattery-Moschkau, drug reps are hired for looks, talk only about the positive aspects of a given drug, and trained to counter doctors' objections. She also said her salary was based solely on sales -- on how many pills she "pushed" through her territory. A crisis of conscience eventually led Slattery-Moschkau to quit her pharmaceutical industry job.

    Bearded Ian Gallery

    A little while ago (and for reasons not entirely clear to the Coast staff) listeners from around the world began sending us Ian Punnett's headshot marked up with facial hair. In honor of their efforts, we've created the Bearded Ian Gallery. A very special thanks to all who submitted their 'Bearded Ian' creations.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
    Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
    Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.


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