Miracles and Prayers

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Miracles and Prayers


  • Yates' Miraculous Encounter
  • Healing & Light Beings
  • Dave's Miracle Healing
  • About the show

    Author Sherry Steiger discussed Christmas miracles, and recounted the death of her son Eric. He had given her signs a week in advance that he was going to die, though she hadn't realized it at the time. Then during a holiday stage performance, a voice in her head told her this would be the last Christmas she'd be with her son. After his death, he visited her and said "Mommy, I'm OK." Tragedies can be a miracle in disguise because they teach us important lessons, Steiger commented.

    She also shared the case of Dave Bennett, who in 1999 was dying of Stage 4 cancer. Through a friend he was given access to the glove of a Catholic saint, Padre Pio, which reportedly had healing powers because it was worn while he experienced stigmata. Curiously, the glove filled the room with the scent of roses and Bennett shocked doctors by making a full recovery. Steiger suggested that the intervention might have taken place because the glove triggered his power of belief.

    The last hour featured Open Lines with callers offering their own miracle stories.

    The Yates Miracle

    First hour guest, Shelley Yates shared details of the miraculous aftermath of a car accident that plunged her and her infant son underwater. Submerged for 15 minutes, Yates said she was pulled into the clouds and visited by light beings who fed her information. Her son was underwater for 30 minutes and doctors didn't expect him to live.

    But the light beings told Yates to "rotate" a series of people into the child's hospital room in order for him to be energized by their auras. After 73 hours of around-the-clock visitors, there was a total regeneration of his organs, she reported. Yates continues to be in contact with the light beings, and said a mass consciousness - healing prayer is being planned for July 17, 2007.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Technology & Society / 'Doomsday Fish'
    Technology & Society / 'Doomsday Fish'
    Author Nick Begich discussed the state of the world, and profound changes in society and technology. Followed by Cheryll Jones with her interview of Professor Misty Paig-Tran on 'doomsday fish' and other strange sea creatures.


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