1947 White Sands UFO Report

Hosted byGeorge Noory

1947 White Sands UFO Report


  • Flying Discs Retaliate
  • Radar Installer's UFO Account
  • Giant UFOs Over Walker Lake, NV
  • About the show

    During the first two hours, reporter and editor for Earthfiles.com, Linda Moulton Howe, presented details on a 1947 UFO case involving a "peculiar phenomenon" interfering with V-2 rocket launches from White Sands Proving Ground. According to Linda's source, former New Mexico State Representative Andrew Kissner, the "peculiar phenomenon" was strange unidentified radar targets that showed up during V-2 rocket launches, causing the rockets to veer off course and crash. Cameras attached to the rockets later verified that strange "flying discs" were in the launch vicinity. These discs were officially classified as "enemy weapons systems," Linda explained, and routinely targeted by anti-aircraft artillery fire.

    In a recorded interview, Kissner revealed that the flying discs retaliated against the attacks by bringing down hundreds of civilian and military airplanes -- all of which crashed in a short period in the summer of 1947 and in the months afterward. Kissner also recalled being told by a naval officer about a flying disc that had been shot down at Roswell. Kissner's source claimed to have seen the craft, which was in U.S. military custody and riddled with holes from artillery fire.

    Linda also briefly discussed a similar UFO incident that took place over Japan in 1959, in which a U.S. Air Force pilot attacked a UFO and was fired upon by a blue beam emanating from the craft. She said the pilot and plane were never seen again.

    The last half of the program featured Open Lines with a special hotline just for truckers.

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    The following video, recently posted on the Spanish-language site Ikerjimenez.com, was allegedly taken on a cell phone and handed over to the Mexican authorities. It shows two boys playing soccer in an alley. When the ball goes astray, one of the boys goes after it and an unusually long arm grabs for him. He screams, runs way, and in the final few frames the 'creature' can be seen peering from around a pole. Special thanks to C2C listener Steve for submitting this story. Video: Jose Alonso Herrera

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