Computer-Related Topics

Hosted byArt Bell

Computer-Related Topics


  • Signs of Coming Polar Shift
  • Botnets, OS Flaws & Security
  • Script Kiddies & Cyber-Warfare
  • About the show

    Computer security expert Kevin Mitnick touched on a variety of computer- and security-related topics, including OS vulnerabilities and defenses, hacking, and government communication monitoring. Mitnick said all computer operating systems have flaws that can be exploited. If you're connected to the Internet, he explained, you should assume you can be attacked and ask yourself, "What can I do to limit the damage?" Mitnick suggested computer users operate behind a firewall.

    Mitnick commented on the recent White House wiretapping story and said while he doesn't agree with the President's actions, he probably would have done the same thing in the interest of national security. He also theorized about how the government could be using sophisticated computers and voice recognition software to monitor all domestic and international communications, though he admitted it's a unlikely scenario.

    The world's most famous hacker also talked about script kiddies, cyber-warfare, social engineering, and zero-day exploits, which are software flaws that somebody knows about but keeps secret in order to use them to wreak havoc.

    Coming Polar Shift

    During the first hour, researcher Lloyd Stewart Carpenter talked about Earth's coming polar shift, which he believes may happen soon. He said no scientist disagrees that it will happen, and there is ample evidence to show that Earth has tipped over on its axis several times in the past.

    According to Carpenter, such a cataclysmic event will effect everything electrical on the planet and lead to massive deaths (perhaps a third of the planet almost instantly). Signs the polar shift is fast approaching, he explained, can be seen from the sun's increased magnetic field (it's doubled since 1963) and the Earth's Chandler Wobble has ceased. Carpenter also said an event such as Yellowstone exploding could initiate the polar shift.