Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality

Hosted byArt Bell

Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality


  • Robotics & Future War
  • VR Interfaces
  • Mind Uploading
  • About the show

    Aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults revealed the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence and virtual reality. Artificial brains that combine biological and computer elements are being developed, as well as 'robotic animals' such as live rats that can be remote controlled to search wreckage, he reported.

    Under development by Honda and GM are "self-driving" cars capable of maintaining speeds while driving between the road lines, he said. By 2025, Shults expects that humans will no longer be involved in warfare as their battles will be conducted exclusively by machines. Within five years, he believes fighter jets will be remotely piloted.

    The jacked-in reality of The Matrix is not far off, with electrodes and implants able to create virtual sensations and environments, said Shults. And as these interfaces become linked the Internet, even more possibilities will open up, including "on demand" virtual sexual experiences. Further down the road, he foresees "mind uploading" where a duplicate copy can be made of a person's brain, that will act and feel as we do. These minds might also be merged together for communal experiences, he suggested.

    Energy Alternatives

    First hour guest, technological trends advisor Charles Ostman discussed energy alternatives such as hydrogen. Carbon nanotube technology could be used as a way to store molecular hydrogen in cars, he noted. In the short term, he believes it would be best to offer drivers three alternatives—gas, electric and hydrogen. Ostman also said he's become involved in the community.