Visions, Altered States & Evolution

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Visions, Altered States & Evolution


  • After Death Communication
  • Meaning of 2012
  • Earth Changes
  • About the show

    Clinical hypnotherapist, futurist, and research scientist John Jay Harper debuted on the show in a conversation that encompassed such topics as altered states, trance phenomena, 2012 and earth changes.As a former scientist with the Department of Defense, he recounted how an encounter with a deceased friend radically changed his perspective. His friend George, who had suddenly died at age 40, appeared to him as though a holographic projection-- "a crystallized or clear water version of himself. Through subsequent trance states, such as those written about by Mellen-Thomas Benedict, Harper has worked to bridge the gap between science and spirit.

    He's experienced visions of Earth's future, including seeing an eruption of Mt. Rainier, which he said will be connected with a massive quake off the coast of Washington and Oregon. Harper has also seen a tsunami problem for the East Coast, after there is a huge eruption in the Canary Islands.

    2012, he views as an "energetic shift" in our DNA rather than a cataclysmic event. As our planet moves into a new alignment, sweeping energies from the galaxy will open up people's "third eye" (seated in the pineal gland), and humanity will be seeded with a new awareness of the multi-dimensions around us, he outlined.

    Mind Control

    First hour guest, author and lecturer Dr. Nick Begich discussed mind control, which he will be giving a presentation on at the upcoming Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles. One such method of control, he explained, involves entraining the brain to an external field signal which can affect the body's chemistry and emotions.

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