Exorcisms & Possession

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Exorcisms & Possession


  • Working with Exorcists
  • Understanding Possession
  • Performing Exorcisms
  • About the show

    Paranormal researcher John Zaffis returned for a discussion about exorcisms. He has assisted and worked with well-known exorcists including Bishop Robert McKenna and the late Father Malachi Martin. In the case of possession, he explained that entities wear down an individual in order to gain control of them in a concealed manner. There are different levels of demonic entities with varying "assignments" and an afflicted person is sometimes inhabited by multiple beings, he said. Zaffis added that it can often take a number of separate exorcisms in order to rid the possessed of the spirits.

    He believes that these entities are not the deceased and that "they've never walked the Earth." Once they are expelled, they are sent back to the "hell" dimension they came from, said Zaffis, who described cases where the possessed's skin welted up to form words, a body levitated in a chair, and voices seem to come from below or above.

    Zaffis updated the water poltergeist case he'd reported on in his last appearance, noting that the family has had several months of peace, possibly because their child has now passed through puberty (the time when most poltergeist cases erupt). He also shared details of a recent acquisition to his Paranormal Museum, a haunted antique dresser that seemed to have negative energy attached to it.

    Chip Implants

    First hour guest, activist and author Katherine Albrecht discussed a Cincinnati surveillance company that is using VeriChip implantable devices for their employees to access data. From a security standpoint, the chips are no better than cards, and further it's been shown that VeriChip devices can be hacked and cloned, leading to possible stolen information, she commented.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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