Angelic Encounters

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Angelic Encounters


  • Types of Angels
  • Hospice Incidents
  • Catherine's Encounter
  • About the show

    Catherine Lanigan (email), the author of numerous books, including Divine Nudges, discussed her work with people who have experienced angelic interventions. Angels, she said, fall into two groups-- winged beings, and those that appear as humans. In the latter category, once they have finished their intervention they literally vanish--perhaps into another dimension; their purpose here is to help people, particularly in times of dire need, she said.

    Lanigan shared her own angelic encounters that she had during near-death-experiences. In one instance, she described flying with a 30 ft. tall winged creature to another planet where scenes from her life played out in huge iridescent bubbles and she walked in a crystal city made of light.

    Hospital workers sometimes witness angelic visitations when patients are near death, she reported. A Dr. Lerna from a Houston hospital told Lanigan of an unusual case, where he witnessed a glow in a terminally ill patients' face as she talked to an unseen entity. Afterwards, in her palm was a 3.5 inch feather, which she gave to the doctor. He kept it in a sealed plastic bag but within a month it began to shrink and eventually disappeared entirely. In the last hour, Lanigan reacted to callers' moving tales of their own angelic encounters.

    Mad Cow Update

    First hour guest Colm Kelleher, the author of Brain Trust, presented an update on Mad Cow Disease. An Alabama cow is the third U.S. animal to test positive for the disease, but he pointed out that America is still only testing 1% of animals, as opposed to 35% in Europe and 100% in Japan. Additionally, the USDA does not have a sophisticated system to track the herd of an infected animal, he noted.

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