Sirius Mystery & Ancient Oracles

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Sirius Mystery & Ancient Oracles


  • Dogon Tribe & Sirius
  • Egypt & ET Ancestors
  • Underground Oracle
  • About the show

    Author Robert Temple shared his research into The Sirius Mystery as well as the oracles used by the Greeks and other ancients. According to anthropological studies, the Dogon Tribe of Africa developed a religion based on the Sirius star system and were aware of Sirius B (a companion star that can't be seen with the naked eye) as well as a third star in that system which wasn't confirmed by astronomers until 1995, nearly 20 years after Temple wrote about it in his book.

    The Dogons believed that beings from a planet in the Sirius system came to Earth in the distant past, landing in a place where their ancestors came from (Temple suggested that this was probably Egypt). These ETs were slimy, air-breathing aquatic creatures that had fish-like tails and arms without elbows, and he noted that similar beings have also been described in ancient China, Greece, and Sumeria. The Dogons said that when the ETs were here, a new star appeared in the sky that disappeared after they left. Temple surmised that this was likely their orbiting mothership.

    He also discussed his study of the ancient underground oracle that the Greeks built in Italy before the Roman Empire. It was a replica of hell, and people were taken down in drugged states, believing they were experiencing the real underworld. This oracle was sealed off by a quake in 63 BC, but Temple said he was able to crawl through some of the passages that have been narrowed to 18 inches. There were also a number of other oracle centers in ancient Greece, such as Delphi, where a "sybil" would enter a trance state and answer people's questions about the future.

    Dr. Turi Update

    First hour guest, astropsychologist and seer Dr. Louis Turi returned to share his forecast and views. He foresees this weekend (March 25-26) as a time of negative energy, with an explosive or surprising event such as an earthquake taking place. Longer range, he sees the year 2012 as the beginning of the end for "stupidity," with a new consciousness and interactions with ETs occurring.

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