Consciousness & Psychic Phenomena

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Consciousness & Psychic Phenomena


  • Collective Mind Experiments
  • Creativity & Psychic Perceptions
  • Telepathic Ability
  • About the show

    Scientist and author Dr. Dean Radin discussed his scientific research into consciousness and psychic phenomena. He reported on the testing of random number generators (called "eggs") which show statistical anomalies where the numbers behave in a less random fashion in relation to certain events. For instance, 3 hours before the first jet hit during 9-11 there was a "change in the world network," indicating that the generators were picking up "a giant wave of consciousness," he said.
    Studies have associated creativity with psychic ability said Radin, who noted that this is particularly true for those who play stringed musical instruments. To play these instruments requires a coordination of left and right brain activity, and this communication between the brain hemispheres may enhance their psychic functioning, he theorized.

    What has been loosely called "mysticism" in the past may actually be a physical sense-- in which a person taps into a kind of "quantum entanglement" where all thoughts are connected and each person is like a tiny part of a huge hologram, Radin explained. He also shared that a large number of people report having a spiritual or religious experience that alters their lives-- turning them from an angry person into a loving one, for instance. Interestingly though, he has found that many people with telepathic abilities want to learn how to turn off these perceptions, as they are bombarded by others' thoughts and emotions.

    Quake Update

    First hour guest, geologist Jim Berkland presented an earthquake update. He predicts a 5+ quake to occur in the San Francisco Bay Area by the end of the year, in part because of the heavy rainfall that has taken place there. Worldwide, he sees a 6+ quake somewhere along the Ring of Fire during the window of May 24th through the 31st.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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