ET Contact & Disclosure

Hosted byGeorge Noory

ET Contact & Disclosure


  • Encounter on a Mountain
  • SETI Signals
  • ETs, Psyops & Disinformation
  • About the show

    Dr. Steven Greer returned to discuss his new memoir Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge, as well as to comment on ufology and disclosure. His latest book chronicles his UFO/alien encounters that began at an early age. At 8 he saw his first UFO, a silvery disc, and later he began to have lucid dreams where he was onboard the craft. At 17, Greer said he had an NDE where he experienced "cosmic consciousness" (being at one with the universe) with two enlightened beings. Later in 1973, while at the top of a mountain, he described encountering a 3-4 ft.-tall ET lifeform that floated him into a spacecraft where he meditated with several ETs from different planetary systems.

    This experience eventually led Greer to form CSETI, an organization that trains people to communicate with ETs and to become "interplanetary ambassadors." (Not to be confused with SETI, the scientific institute which looks for intelligent signals from space--- Interestingly, Greer claimed that according to his inside source, SETI had recently received "very significant signals" but this information was being suppressed from the public.)

    Through contacts made from CSETI, Greer developed The Disclosure Project, which gathered together noteworthy whistleblowers, government employees and witnesses who had important UFO information. But because of their press conference's proximityto 9/11, the Project became somewhat derailed.

    Greer stressed the positive side of the ET experience. He suggested that negative scenarios such as reported in the abduction syndrome may be the product of counterintelligence/psyop campaigns using fake aliens & spaceships to instill fear in order to boost funding for the weaponization of space.

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