Flat Tires, Almost Died & Pure Evil

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Flat Tires, Almost Died & Pure Evil


  • Exploading Tire & 'Pixel' Man
  • Bull with Twisted Horn
  • 'Johnny' Burns Down House
  • About the show

    During Friday night's program, George offered three different special topic lines, one for each hour of Open Lines.

    The 2nd hour featured stories from people who have had flat tires in weird situations. One caller said he narrowly escaped an accident in his Volkswagen Convertible when a semi truck driving in front of him blew a tire. Clark from San Diego recounted a time in the 1950s when he and a fellow Mormon missionary were traveling to a church service. He said he had a strong premonition to stop the car and check the tires. According to Clark, as his companion was checking the front of the car, the passenger-side tire exploded.

    In the 3rd hour, George offered an 'almost died' hotline for callers who've come close to losing their lives. Ron from Connecticut said he was nearly killed when a piece of hydraulic machinery he was adjusting exploded and rocketed through the factory's roof. JoEllen from Dayton, Ohio shared a close call she had with an angry bull that tried to gore her. If it wasn't for her brave horse which kicked the bull, JoEllen explained, she probably would have died.

    The 4th hour was reserved for listeners who've encountered pure evil. Jeff in Nebraska remembered when his parents adopted a young girl who claimed to have four demonic spirits bothering her at night. Jeff also purports to have taken a flash photo that shows a demon and Christ sitting in his room. Amy from Tulsa, Oklahoma said she used a ouija board to converse with a entity named 'Johnny'. According to Amy, Johnny was friendly until her parents took away the ouija board and burned it. Later that day, Amy said, her parents' house burned down.

    Lifestyle & Wellness

    In the first hour, motivational speaker Susan Powter discussed her Lifestyle Ex-change weight loss program. According to Powter, anyone can make simple adjustments to their lifestyle that promote wellness. She suggested listeners eat whole foods and exercise in order to burn fat, build lean muscle mass and increase oxygen levels. More information on Powter's Lifestyle Ex-change program can be found at susanpowteronline.com or by calling (800) 717-4316.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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