Bilderberg Roundtable

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Bilderberg Roundtable


  • Opening Statements
  • How Bilderberg Works
  • Facets of Bilderberg
  • About the show

    Filmmaker Alex Jones, researcher Jim Marrs and journalist Daniel Estulin (email) participated in a roundtable discussion about the secretive Bilderberg Group, which recently met in Canada. They want to bring about globalism-- a one-world government and economy-- but they are trying to push it through using secrecy and deceit, Marrs commented.

    Estulin traced the history of the group which was founded in 1954 and got its name from the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands, where they had their first meeting. Their real name though is the Synarchist Movement, he said, and the group of around 125 wields so much control because many of its members are the heads of nations or powerful organizations such as the Central Banks & NATO.

    The Bilderberg group was mainly founded with Nazi money, said Jones, who pointed out that until recently the US press never reported on them-- but now the secretive yearly meeting is starting to get mainstream news coverage. He warned of their agenda to create a North American Union (merging the U.S. with Canada and Mexico), in which illegal immigrants will be made legal in America. Marrs encouraged people to "think globally but act locally,"-- voting for candidates who aren't backed by big money, for instance. He also noted that some states have made provisions to withdraw from the union if martial law is declared.

    Estulin, who has studied the minutes of some of the Bilderbergers' meetings, cited how the group was associated with the war in Kosovo and seeks at times to destabilize regions. Interestingly, Jones said that there is currently a split in the group, with some members disagreeing over the agenda of the Iraq war and Iran invasion. Marrs concurred about the schism, and added that it appears they are "running scared" as though they were on a deadline, possibly due to upcoming geophysical changes.

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