Web Bot Forecasting

Hosted bySteve Quayle

Web Bot Forecasting


  • Deyo: Climate Anomalies
  • Web Bot Methodology
  • Web Bot Predictions
  • About the show

    Filling in for vacationing George Noory, Steve Quayle welcomed George Ure who discussed web bots, a technology he and his associates use to forecast major world events. The method involves scanning text portions of the Internet and then applying special software to analyze the results.

    Subtle changes in language over time allow them to make predictions for future events, yielding key phrases, such as "5 Toes Kick Butt." This, he explained, could be a reference to a recent spate of earthquakes on islands and the fifth quake may occur in the next few days or towards the end of July or August. In this event, he added, 10 or 20 million people could be uprooted in the middle of the night, and there will be a scarcity of necessary items.

    Ure claimed that their data had previously yielded language indicators before such events as 9-11, the Northeast Power Outage, the DC-Sniper Case, and the Columbia Shuttle Disaster.

    Deyo Update

    First hour guest Stan Deyo presented an update on climate, weather and earthquakes. There'll be a lot more flooding in New England states and fires in the Western states, he warned. He also noted that according to his research pressure is building up for a possible quake on the West Coast.

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