Science & Spirituality

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Science & Spirituality


  • Turi Update
  • Intelligence & the Universe
  • About the show

    Astrophysicist Dr. Bernard Haisch presented his views which offer a bridge between science and spirituality. Arguing that the universe was brought about by an "infinite intelligence," he believes this intelligence's purpose is to experience and enrich itself through its various aspects and life forms. Further, we are not disconnected from this intelligence, but a part of it, he said.

    The ideas of this intelligence become laws of a given universe, and then these laws take over, setting up certain parameters, Haisch explained, adding that other universes might be bound by different factors besides space and time. He also discussed his study of the Zero Point Field, a residual amount of quantum electromagnetic energy that exists everywhere in the universe. Some esoteric spiritual theories regarding the creation of mass can be speculatively connected to this, he noted.

    One of Haisch's projects is the Digital Universe, an attempt to link together valid and credible information on the Internet in order to create a kind of "Encyclopedia Galactica."

    Dr. Turi Update

    First hour guest, astropsychologist and seer Dr. Louis Turi shared his latest set of predictions for July and August 2006. The dates are listed below along with his "keywords" for events:

    • July 23rd - Hurricane, tornadoes, thousands of people forced to relocate
    • August 1st - Police and terrorism, dramatic news
    • August 9th - Explosions, earthquakes and nuke news
    • August 19th - Hurricane, tornadoes, thousands of people forced to relocate

    Dr. Turi also expressed concern over the safety of the Shuttle astronauts on their current mission and said they could be in serious trouble.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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