Facets of Mind Control

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Facets of Mind Control


  • Uri Geller in Israel
  • History of Mind Control
  • Implants & Biometrics
  • About the show

    Author and researcher Dr. Nick Begich returned for a discussion on such topics as mind control, sound technologies, and Project HAARP. Bernard Eastlund, the inventor of HAARP's technology, told him that HAARP could potentially be used to create ozone, knock out specific pollutants and for weather control.

    For his forthcoming book, Controlling the Human Mind, he looked at over 300 sources for his research, examining work that was done as far back as the 1920s. George Estabrooks was known to have developed techniques to create the "ultimate Manchurian Candidate," in the late 1920s, he noted. Methods of mind control that Begich discussed included brain entrainment, magnetic fields, and visual disruptions. Currently, sound technology can make a voice appear as if it's coming from nowhere, or alternatively seem to be inside one's head, he shared.

    While much of this technology is being developed for military or negative purposes, Begich pointed out that these same advances could be used in a positive way to enhance human performance and improve health. He is particularly interested in light/sound devices, biofeedback technology, and electro-medicine.

    Iran Update

    First hour guest, author Jerome Corsi discussed Middle Eastern scholar Bernard Lewis' warning that Iran could be preparing for an apocalyptic attack on Israel on August 22. We could be on the brink of a nuclear war and this threat needs to be taken very seriously, he said.

    Bumper Music