Mind Parasites

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Mind Parasites


  • Parasitic Organisms
  • Grey: Energetic Food Chain
  • Encounter with a 'Vampire'
  • About the show

    Philosopher and paranormal investigator Jonathan Zap presented the concept that "mind parasites" (a term first coined in a sci-fi novel by Colin Wilson) could be feeding off the energy of humans and instigating their baser instincts. There are more parasites than any other type of species, and Zap pointed out that the mind parasites could exist in a dimension we aren't ordinarily aware of.

    Presenting his personal encounter with mind parasites was the visionary artist Alex Grey who joined the show for a half-hour. During a group LSD experience in the 1970's, he vividly saw beings from above feasting on their energy. The beings, he believed, were actually orchestrating chaotic behavior from the group. The incident led Grey to see humans as part of "an energetic food chain." Humans aren't even at the top of the food chain-- the mind parasites are, added Zap. Grey made the painting Deities and Demons Drinking from the Milky Pool based on the episode.

    The ancient Gnostics issued warnings about beings called the "Archons," who could be thought of as the mind parasites, said Zap. He noted that one reason spiritual adepts practice in caves and pyramids is that the thicker walls could make it more difficult for the mind parasites to attack them. Zap also described an experience he had while in the company of a self-professed vampire-- a spiral entity rotating above appeared to be supervising a "massive energy transfer" out of Zap's mind.

    1st Hour Updates

    Richard C. Hoagland briefly commented on new information on the missing Apollo tapes, as reported in a Space.com article. Astronomer Phil Plait discussed the possible downgrading of Pluto's planetary status. A meeting of the International Astronomical Union in Prague is currently considering the issue.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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    Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
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