Ancient Texts & Discoveries

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ancient Texts & Discoveries


  • Middle East Solutions
  • Gospel of Judas
  • Bosnian Pyramid
  • About the show

    Historian Glenn Kimball discussed various topics related to ancient texts, Jesus, the Middle East and pyramids. He claimed that Jesus was actually a stone mason rather than a carpenter and that he traveled to America before the crucifixion. "We've lost sight of the history of our own continent," commented Kimball, who believes that the Ark of the Covenant may actually reside in Arkansas. Ancient trade routes were far more extensive than what is generally realized, he added.

    While finding the Gospel of Judas to be an authentic ancient text, he does not view its information as being completely accurate. Jesus told Judas he would betray him because Jesus had the gift of seeing into the future, not because Jesus requested that Judas do this, Kimball explained. He also shared that Da Vinci had access to the Vatican's library and gleaned some of his futuristic ideas from reading suppressed prophetic writings.

    The Bosnia pyramid, which is taller than the Great Pyramid at Giza, is a man-made structure, Kimball believes, and he noted that it's grouped with two other pyramids-- a triadic combination that can be seen with pyramids in Mexico, Peru and Egypt. He also announced the opening of the Kimball College, where students can explore his research further.

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