Transgenics, Stargates & Aliens

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Transgenics, Stargates & Aliens


  • Universal Mythos
  • Visitations & Gateways
  • 'Gargoyle' Audio
  • About the show

    Researcher Tom Horn returned to discuss such topics as transgenics, stargates and alien abduction. He has found a "universal mythos" that stretches as far back as the Sumerians and continues with the "ufonauts" of today-- and that is the idea that gods or ETs have tinkered with the genetics of humans. These beings might have traveled here via elaborately constructed wormholes, he said. Angels and demons, Horn believes, also can make use of science and technology.

    While Horn concedes that beneficial developments could arise from gene modification, such as cancer treatments, he warned that the unnatural alteration of living organisms could lead to unpredicted negative consequences. Current transgenic experiments have fused genes in unlikely combos-- such as moth & potato, fish & cattle, and human & rabbit.

    Horn also shared details about his niece's alien encounters, and the analysis of her anomalous photo, which may show a Reptilian being. A recent tester declared that the image did show a real 3-D object and wasn't a trick of light. He also discussed a bizarre phone message recording, with an inlaid voice that sounds demonic. The audio and photo, along with other material related to his presentation, can be found on this page.

    JonBenet Case

    First hour guest, Charles Bosworth, the co-author of Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?, reported on a surprising arrest in the 10-year old case. The suspect had been corresponding with someone in Boulder and there were reports of a DNA match, he said.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
    Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
    Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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