Planet Theories & Mars

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Planet Theories & Mars


  • Defining Planets
  • "Trees" on Mars
  • Exploding Planets
  • About the show

    Research astronomer Tom Van Flandern discussed his exploded planets hypothesis, Big Bang theories, Mars artifacts, and the proposed changes in descriptions of our planetary line up. The definition of a planet is somewhat arbitrary he pointed out in that there is no particular cut off in terms of size. According to the new propsoal, Pluto's moon Charon would be a planet because its center-of-mass is not located within Pluto. Van Flandern noted that Earth's moon is very gradually shifting further away, and by this definition, it could, in the far off future, also be considered a planet.

    In his Exploded Planets Hypthesis, the solar system originally had 12 planets with a number of them twinned (formed on either side of the Sun) such as Venus & Earth and Jupiter & Saturn. Mars was likely a moon of a planet that exploded, which became the remnants of the Asteroid Belt, he said. He suggested that this event occurred 65 million years ago, and the impact of debris hitting Earth led to the extinction of the dinosaurs & other life forms.

    Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Missionjoined in on the latter half of the discussion which focused on Mars and its artifacts. Hoagland hypothesized that a war between planets might have wiped out Mars' global civilization, while Van Flandern said the evidence of artificial activity was suggestive of what we'd expect to find if a secondary civilization (possibly escaping from the Exploded Planet) had set up stations or outposts.

    Eggelletion Commentary

    First hour guest, entrepreneur and radio talk show host Andre Eggelletion presented commentary on current events. He cited concern over what he considers to be the resurrection of the Soviet Union and also spoke about the rise of the Shiites as a changing force in the Middle East.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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