ET Disclosures

Hosted byArt Bell

ET Disclosures


  • Astronaut's Accounts
  • Colby & Energy Devices
  • Black Ops & Aliens
  • About the show

    Founder of the Disclosure Project, Dr. Steven Greer shared secretive information about the ET presence, that he said has come to him from corroborated sources. One of his associates, who worked with Neil Armstrong at Purdue, said that Armstrong told him once they stepped out of the lunar module on the moon, they were literally surrounded by ET vehicles. Further, Armstrong was approached to be part of the Disclosure Project in 1997, but declined over threats that his family would be killed, said Greer, who commented that fear and intimidation have kept many witnesses from coming forward.

    The late astronaut Gordon Cooper "told me personally," that he'd spoken to then Sec. of Def. William Cohen about footage of a UFO landing at Edwards AFB, Greer reported. But Cohen was told that no such footage exists, even though Cooper said he'd seen and handled it. Former CIA Director William Colby had an ET energy device that he was going to share with the Disclosure group, Greer asserted, but just before he was going to do this his body was found drowned off the Potomac.

    A Lockheed Martin worker who'd back engineered ET craft has offered to come forward about his experiences, said Greer. Reportedly some of their "spin-off technology" was inspired by the ET vehicles. The aliens are essentially a benign presence who are both extraterrestrial and interdimensional-- they travel here by dropping out of linear space-time, Greer suggested. In contrast, the "Grays" are essentially a manmade biology project, he stated, and their abductions are part of a disinformation and counterintelligence campaign.

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