Secret Societies & Ancient Thought

Hosted byArt Bell

Secret Societies & Ancient Thought


  • Holy Vehm & Secret Societies
  • Joining a Society
  • Snake Venom & Healing
  • About the show

    In a 90-minute conversation author Philip Gardiner shared his research into secret societies, both modern and ancient, and how history, mythology, and symbolism intertwine with religious thought. "History is the biggest lie on the planet," he said, arguing that propaganda often informs the way events are recorded. Among the secret societies he has investigated include the Holy Vehm, known in the past for conducting "judgments" i.e. killing people out in the woods. They exist today as a kind of Neo Nazi group, he said.

    Gardiner described his indoctrination into a secret society called "The Knights of the Temple," which involved a ritual with a goat's head and a naked woman that was conducted in a bunker. Yet once he was in the organization, their meetings/teachings offered basic psychology lessons for self-improvement rather than anything sinister, he reported.

    The cult of the serpent goes back to earliest times, he said. Interestingly, he shared that new research has shown that a certain mixture of snake venom and blood can be an immune booster for the body, and may increase longevity. He related this to the Holy Grail-- which he interprets as referring to a "mixing bowl" rather than Royal Blood. He also touched on how quantum entanglement may explain some types of paranormal and spiritual phenomena.

    The last 90-minutes of the show was devoted to Open Lines, with many of the callers reacting to the guest's ideas.

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