Weird & Wacky Stories

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Weird & Wacky Stories


  • Summoned Into Hell
  • The 'Rich' Hobo
  • Kidnapped Daughter
  • About the show

    For Open Lines George offered a special 'weird and wacky' hotline. A caller who enjoys jogging at night informed George that streetlights turn off whenever he runs by them. According to the caller, outdoor lights of houses he passes by also darken. Another caller recalled a horrifying encounter she had during a hunting trip 21 years ago in Pennsylvania. The caller claimed to have witnessed an angry beast, similar to Bigfoot, ripping down trees and screaming. She thinks the creature was trying to protect the area wildlife from her hunting party.

    Jennifer shared information about strange goings-on at the Paine Art Center in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Local legends say the museum is haunted by the ghost of Nathan Paine, a wealthy lumber baron who once lived in the building. Jennifer said staff there have reported hearing footsteps, noises and other disturbances. Dan in Sacramento described the time he took mescaline and was summoned into hell by three demons. The 'fallen angels' offered to help Dan succeed in life for the price of his soul.

    Near the end of the last hour, George played an audio clip of a surprise visit he received from Dr. Morgus during the 11/11/05 show.

    Flying Humanoids

    In the bottom half of the first hour, crop circle researchers Ed & Kris Sherwood discussed an Unidentified Flying Humanoid (UFH) videotaped over Santa Monica. Ed and Kris claim to have documented several spherical- and cigar-shaped UFOs as well as UFHs flying over their apartment in California. According to Ed, the UFOs and UFHs often appear (in broad daylight) in response to meditations in which he invites benevolent ETs to participate. Photos and video of 'Flying Humanoids' available at

    Antiterrorism Bill

    During the first half hour, filmmaker and radio host Alex Jones provided a brief update on new military detainee legislation. Jones, who said he was "horrified" by the antiterrorism bill, believes this legislation could lead to Americans being "secretly arrested, secretly imprisoned and... secretly executed." Read Jones' complete analysis at

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
    Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and supplements. Followed by author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep with reports of ghosts, hauntings, and anomalies.


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