Brain Waves & Biofeedback

Hosted byGeorge Noory


Brain Waves & Biofeedback


  • Alpha Training
  • Delta Waves & Abilities
  • Mind Fitness
  • About the show

    Dr. Jim Hardt returned for a discussion of the biofeedback technology practiced at his Biocybernaut Institute. Certain types of brain waves, which a participant can be trained to increase, are associated with spiritual states, he explained. For example, a professional football player (an unnamed San Francisco 49er) described seeing an angel during the program, Hardt said.

    During the intensive training program, participants are wired with electrodes and their brain wave conditions are measured inside sound-proof chambers. Through a trial and error method, they learn to increase their alpha waves. (Hardt blamed too much ego and not enough experiencing of alpha as being the cause of hatred on the planet today). Yet, no one type of brain wave is suitable for all purposes, he noted. Theta waves, which are measured coming from advanced meditators, and delta waves, associated with mental control, are also explored at the Institute.

    Hardt shared an account of one participant, a Highway Patrolman from Raleigh, who was able to travel out-of-body to visit his family while he was in the chamber. Senior citizens who underwent the program, exhibited more "youthful" brain wave patterns, he added.


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