Apocalyptic Prophecy & Nephilim

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Apocalyptic Prophecy & Nephilim


  • Prophecy & Wars
  • Patrick's Conversion
  • About the show

    Irish author Patrick Heron returned to discuss apocalyptic prophecy and tales of the Nephilim. A variety of ancient traditions including those of the Hopi Indians, warn of an ending to civilization as we know it-- the Hopis spoke of ashes coming out of the sky, and a great cleansing, he noted.

    Heron believes there are many signs pointing towards the nearing of the biblical Apocalypse -- such as an increase in earthquakes and war and the fact that the Jews have returned to Israel. During the Apocalypse, the Nephilim --fallen angels or "spirit men"-- will return to Earth, to deceive humankind, he said. They are currently in the "bottomless pit" of Tartarus, entombed there after Noah's Flood, declared Heron, who added that these beings were the ones who served as the inspiration for the gods of Roman and Greek mythology, and built such wonders as the pyramids, Stonehenge and Machu Picchu.

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