Documenting the Paranormal

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Documenting the Paranormal


  • UFO 'Retaliation'
  • The Kelly Incident
  • San Pedro Haunting
  • About the show

    Cameraman and producer of paranormal documentaries, Barry Conrad shared his research on such cases as the Kelly Incident, Mothman, the Flatwoods Monster and the San Pedro haunting. He explained he has focused on cases where there are multiple witnesses to phenomena. Inthe Kelly, Kentucky case of 1955, eleven people fled from their home, after shooting at UFO occupants. Though they described the beings as silver in color, a journalist first coined the phrase "little green men" in his report on the event, said Conrad.

    In Conrad's interviews of witnesses to the 1952 Flatwoods UFO incident, they described a large craft that was glowing different colors, which landed in a remote area in the Appalachians. There was a pungent odor and an entity with glowing red eyes floating towards them like a "huge shadow." This so-called "monster" did not appear to be a robot, witnesses told him.

    Over 100 people described seeing "Mothman" in the 1960's-- a humanoid creature with muscular legs and these appearances were often associated with UFO sightings, he reported. Conrad also presented details of the violent San Pedro house haunting which took place in 1989. A disembodied head was seen floating in the attic, and later an investigator's neck (pictured below) was wrapped in a cord by an unseen force and he was nearly hung to death.

    UFO Retaliation

    First hour guest, Linda Moulton Howe, reporter and editor of Earthfiles, presented interviews related to a 1967 case of UFO 'retaliation' over the Bermuda triangle region. Two military witnesses gave accounts of a fast moving UFO that the HAWK surface to air missile system placed a radar lock on.

    The unidentified object retaliated with an instantaneous polarity reversal of the radar equipment, rendering it useless.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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    Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
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