'Fright Night Friday' Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

'Fright Night Friday' Open Lines


  • Who Murdered Marilyn Monroe?
  • Flesh-Eating Bacteria & Machete Man
  • Bigfoot Encounter?
  • Stabbing a Ouija Board
  • Father Malachi Martin Segment
  • About the show

    George hosted a night of 'Fright Night Friday' Open Lines. Judy from Orlando recalled the time she gave her three-year-old son a Ouija Board to keep him occupied while she showered. Shortly afterward, Judy said she heard a deep voice say, "Stop that now!" Judy believes the Ouija Board was to blame for the strange occurrence.

    One caller described her cousin's gruesome death by flesh-eating bacteria. She said the infection destroyed so much of her cousin's flesh that one "could see her insides." In the end, a small amount of skin on her torso and face was all that was left, the caller sadly noted.

    Keith from Tennessee said he was shooting a pistol one day when one of the rounds ricocheted back at him. Keith claims to have watched in slow motion as the round headed towards him, then stopped six to twelve inches from his heart and fell to the ground. Keith also shared a frightening encounter he and some friends had in a forest with a person dressed as Jason Vorhees, the hockey-masked, machete-wielding serial killer from the Friday the 13th movies.

    Mr. Bill from Tucson, Arizona thought he was having a Pet Cemetery moment when his cat, Moki, showed up at his house a week and half after he had buried her in the desert. Mr. Bill said he went back to the desert, dug up the grave and realized he had buried the wrong cat. Apparently, Moki had only been missing, not killed.

    In the last hour, George played part of an interview with Art Bell and Father Malachi Martin.

    Marilyn Monroe

    In the first hour, George chatted with authors June DiMaggio and Mary Jane Popp about their new book on Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn, Joe and Me.

    DiMaggio, who believes Monroe was murdered, said her mother, Lee, was the last person to speak to Monroe on the night she died. According to DiMaggio, Lee told her she had heard Monroe scream a name (or names) and then drop the phone. Her mother took that name to the grave, DiMaggio admitted, because she feared for the safety of her family. DiMaggio also revealed that Monroe "never had affairs with the Kennedys."

    Popp shared information about the puzzling timeline of Monroe's death, as well as an interview she conducted with a former telephone repairman, Alan Kimble "Kim" Fahey, who claimed to have met one of Monroe's killers while on a repair job at a mental hospital. The man told Fahey that the Giancana crime family had sent them to silence Monroe and to retrieve her diary, Popp explained.

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